View your map editor level

The Waze map stays up to date with the help of our community of map editors. Not a map editor yet? Join the map editing community.

To make sure the map is as accurate as possible, some areas can only be updated by map editors with a certain map editor level. The level you need is set by the local community in each country.

View your map editor level

You can view your current level in the Waze Map Editor.

  1. Log in to the Waze Map Editor
  2. Click, or your photo if you added one to your account, at the top right of the screen

In the menu that opens, you'll see your level number next to your username.

Map editor levels

All users start as level 1 users. Once you’ve achieved enough map edits or meet certain conditions, you may be able to level up.

Level Required map edits Comments
1 None  
2 3,000 Upgrade to level 2 is done automatically.
3 25,000 Upgrade to level 3 is done automatically.
4 100,000 Requires approval from staff and local champs.
5 250,000 Requires approval from staff and local champs.
6 500,000 Requires approval from staff and local champs.

Note: The number of map edits you need for each level may vary by location. Make sure to check out the community forums for local guidelines.

Map editor moods

As you rise up in levels, you'll gain access to exclusive map editor moods.

Robot (level 2 editors)
8bit (level 3 editors)
T-Rex (level 5 editors)

Need more help? Check out our Waze Community forum for more questions and answers about Map editing

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